Lodaer Img

Kat Ludwell

Personal Experience & Biography

I came across chiropractic after suffering for months with a chronic neck problem that even with rest and reluctantly taking pain killers it kept on returning. I was getting nowhere with my regular GP visits so decided to take action and visit Andy for a chiropractic assessment and treatment.

I was a little nervous at first as I didn’t know very much about the diagnosis and treatment procedures but the nerves were short lived as I started to feel an improvement from my very first visit. I now have regular adjustments to maintain the long-term health of my spine and nervous system.

I have since been learning more about the profession, I have found its history and its effects on the body fascinating. So when the opportunity arose to join Andy at his clinic in Winscombe I was enthusiastic about the prospect of being part of his new venture and was delighted when I was offered the position of chiropractic assistant.

I have now taken my training further and qualified as a sports massage therapist. Massage and Chiropractic work very well together in the healing process of an injury and for general wellness.

For me, chiropractic is an investment in your health and well-being as a whole. The benefits go way beyond simply pain relief and it has the ability to ease many diseases that a lot of us suffer with unnecessarily.

Physical Therapy


Clinical Pilates


Chiropractic Therapy


Work Injuries



  • Qualified as a Sports Massage Therapist